Latest Past Events
Injection Date: Monday, February 17th
Debbie Russell Aesthetics 7550 Halcyon Summit Drive, Suite #100, MontgomeryINJECTIONS: Botox, Juvederm - Family of Fillers, PRP Facelift, PRP Derma - long lasting PRP. Most sought areas of concern are face, neck and hands! AESTHETIC TREATMENTS: AquaFirme Facial, Chemical Peels, IPL Facial Rejuvenation, Micro Needling, Radio Frequency Micro Needling and DeRive Hair Thinning Treatments. Call us at 334-557-0700 OR Schedule a consultation to best determine a plan specifically for YOU!!
Everything You Love 15% OFF. February 10th through 17th
Debbie Russell Aesthetics 7550 Halcyon Summit Drive, Suite #100, MontgomeryInjections by Dr. Michael Clinton Botox $11.00 Per Unit Juvéderm $100+ Off Per Syringe PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Derma Injections Med Spa Services Include: AquaFirme Facial Chemical Peels Micro Needling Scarlet SRF (Radio Frequency) Micro Needling Vampire Facial Alpha IPL 3-D Skin Rejuvenation & Tightening DeRive EXO/E Hair Growth Treatment Med Spa Products: ZO SkinHealth DeRive EXO/E Hair Home Treatment...
Injection Date: Monday, February 10th
Debbie Russell Aesthetics 7550 Halcyon Summit Drive, Suite #100, MontgomeryINJECTIONS: Botox, Juvederm - Family of Fillers, PRP Facelift, PRP Derma - long lasting PRP. Most sought areas of concern are face, neck and hands! AESTHETIC TREATMENTS: AquaFirme Facial, Chemical Peels, IPL Facial Rejuvenation, Micro Needling, Radio Frequency Micro Needling and DeRive Hair Thinning Treatments. Call us at 334-557-0700 OR Schedule a consultation to best determine a plan specifically for YOU!!